ISP Reliability Report

This report will list all ISPs in a given city, as well as any outages Netstats has detected over the past 30 days.

Outages DetectedLast 30 Days

City MetricsLast 30 Days

ISP User Share Est. Customers Outages Detected Users Impacted Impact per 10,000 Users


  • User Share: Percentage of total users in a city subscribed to the ISP.
  • Outages Detected: Number of disruptions reported or observed this month.
  • Users Impacted: Total number of users affected by outages this month.
  • Impact per 10,000 Users: Number of users impacted this month, per 10,000. A good measure to compare how well ISPs manage their network.

Country MetricsLast 30 Days

ISP Est. Customers Outages Detected Users Impacted Impact per 10,000 Users